Get our free University Foodservice Recruitment Template.

Get the Foodservice Recruitment Template

Foodservice and hospitality staff recruitment template

Like other industries, universities face extremely high turnover in service roles. Many universities are struggling with staffing challenges, from open professor roles to hourly workers. However, front-line service staff, like foodservice workers and cleaning staff, is among the worst of it, facing open positions, high turnover, and skill shortages.

Facing shortages of this front-line staff, some universities have had to cut hours, reduce their menu offerings, and even close dining halls entirely. These staff members have a crucial part in shaping the student experience on campus, and without them, many students’ needs are not being met.

Given the value of workers filling these roles, it’s important for universities to have thoughtful strategies in place for recruiting, hiring, and retaining front-line foodservice and hospitality staff. Having a template that breaks down the steps to a successful recruitment and hiring process is valuable for universities looking to keep up with their hiring and recruitment efforts.

university food service template cover
Kitchen staff on break

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